I'm big, mean I'm a muscle machine... who write One Direction fanfics yaaah!!!

Weird feeling

How can you fall in love with someone you never met. We only text each other but we do it everyday 24/7 and he is exacally that type of guy I have allways wanted! I know that this sounds stupid, but it is true! And the funny thing is he is exacually like me and he makes me feel like everything I do is perfekly fine and he really seems to care about you! All day long I think about him, and I think he do the same about me cause if I don't text him he text me. And he brings me up when I feel low he says that I am beautiful and I feel beautiful everytime I talk with him. I don't know what to do, I've never felt like this before. And I really feel that I need him here with me?,!!!
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